Open the calendar popup.

Roger Cedeno - RF14100001.2231.090.00
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS24000000.0001.14-0.11
Mike Piazza - C34201010.6221.070.05
Tony Clark - 1B44100001.2231.47-0.02
Timo Perez - LF54201000.4462.190.39
Ty Wigginton - 3B64100000.2232.56-0.17
Jorge Velandia - SS72000002.0001.00-0.05
Matt Watson - PH71000000.0002.72-0.07
Marco Scutaro - 2B71100100.8914.940.13
Jeff Duncan - CF84000003.0002.57-0.23
Raul Gonzalez - PH91000000.0001.80-0.05
Jae Seo - P92000001.0001.02-0.05
Jay Bell - PH91000000.0006.86-0.17

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF15100002.2501.180.09
Jose Macias - PH21000001.0000.24-0.01
Jose Vidro - PH21000010.0003.210.00
Henry Mateo - 2B23000002.0000.77-0.06
Vic Darensbourg - PR20000000.000  
Orlando Cabrera - SS34100000.3121.60-0.29
Vladimir Guerrero - RF44101001.3931.510.19
Wil Cordero - 1B54212200.8121.310.27
Endy Chavez - CF61101000.8910.770.04
Ron Calloway - LF63100001.4160.620.01
Todd Zeile - 3B74100110.3990.930.02
Michael Barrett - C84100101.2231.28-0.10
Tomo Ohka - P92000001.0001.15-0.06
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B91000001.0000.22-0.01
Edwards Guzman - PH91100000.8911.380.05

Jae Seo7.129511283.441.120.02
John Franco1.0300002-0.970.240.02
Dan Wheeler0.21000003.034.890.29
Grant Roberts (L)0.05503003.031.31-0.48
Tomo Ohka7.026400161.751.350.21
Luis Ayala (W)1.03000011.031.400.11
Rocky Biddle (SV)1.07401011.034.420.04

J SeoB Wilkerson10___0-0Brad Wilkerson struck out swinging to catcher.0.870.4952.2%-.022-0.2300
J SeoH Mateo11___0-0Henry Mateo struck out looking to catcher.0.620.2653.7%-.015-0.1600
J SeoO Cabrera12___0-0Orlando Cabrera doubled to left (Liner).0.400.1051.6%.0220.2200
J SeoV Guerrero12_2_0-0Vladimir Guerrero flied out to center (Fly).1.130.3254.7%-.032-0.3200
T OhkaR Cedeno10___0-0Roger Cedeno grounded out to third (Grounder).0.870.4952.5%-.022-0.2301
T OhkaJ McEwing11___0-0Joe McEwing flied out to left (Fly).0.620.2651.0%-.015-0.1601
T OhkaM Piazza12___0-0Mike Piazza singled to left (Grounder).0.400.1052.2%.0120.1201
T OhkaT Clark121__0-0Tony Clark grounded out to second (Grounder).0.790.2350.0%-.022-0.2301
J SeoW Cordero20___0-0Wil Cordero flied out to shortstop (Fly).0.930.4952.3%-.023-0.2300
J SeoR Calloway21___0-0Ron Calloway doubled to right (Fly).0.650.2648.0%.0430.4100
J SeoT Zeile21_2_0-0Todd Zeile walked.1.300.6746.0%.0210.2300
J SeoM Barrett2112_0-0Michael Barrett flied out to right (Fly).2.070.9050.6%-.047-0.4700
J SeoT Ohka2212_0-0Tomo Ohka reached on fielder's choice to second (Grounder). Todd Zeile out at second.1.740.4355.0%-.044-0.4300
T OhkaT Perez20___0-0Timo Perez grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.920.4952.7%-.023-0.2301
T OhkaT Wigginton21___0-0Ty Wigginton flied out to second (Fly).0.670.2651.1%-.016-0.1601
T OhkaJ Velandia22___0-0Jorge Velandia struck out swinging to catcher.0.430.1050.0%-.011-0.1001
J SeoB Wilkerson30___0-0Brad Wilkerson struck out looking to catcher.0.990.4952.5%-.025-0.2300
J SeoH Mateo31___0-0Henry Mateo struck out looking to catcher.0.720.2654.3%-.018-0.1600
J SeoO Cabrera32___0-0Orlando Cabrera grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.460.1055.4%-.012-0.1000
T OhkaJ Duncan30___0-0Jeff Duncan flied out to right (Fly).0.990.4952.9%-.025-0.2301
T OhkaJ Seo31___0-0Jae Seo struck out looking to catcher.0.720.2651.2%-.018-0.1601
T OhkaR Cedeno32___0-0Roger Cedeno grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.470.1050.0%-.012-0.1001
J SeoV Guerrero40___0-0Vladimir Guerrero struck out swinging to catcher.1.080.4952.7%-.027-0.2300
J SeoW Cordero41___0-0Wil Cordero flied out to left (Liner).0.780.2654.6%-.019-0.1600
J SeoR Calloway42___0-0Ron Calloway struck out looking to catcher.0.510.1055.9%-.013-0.1000
T OhkaJ McEwing40___0-0Joe McEwing flied out to pitcher (Fly).1.070.4953.2%-.027-0.2301
T OhkaM Piazza41___0-0Mike Piazza flied out to left (Fly).0.780.2651.3%-.019-0.1601
T OhkaT Clark42___0-0Tony Clark grounded out to pitcher (Grounder).0.520.1050.0%-.013-0.1001
J SeoT Zeile50___0-0Todd Zeile grounded out to second (Grounder).1.190.4953.0%-.030-0.2300
J SeoM Barrett51___0-0Michael Barrett struck out swinging to catcher.0.870.2655.1%-.021-0.1600
J SeoT Ohka52___0-0Tomo Ohka struck out swinging to catcher.0.570.1056.6%-.014-0.1000
T OhkaT Perez50___0-0Timo Perez grounded out to second (Grounder).1.170.4953.6%-.030-0.2301
T OhkaT Wigginton51___0-0Ty Wigginton singled to center (Liner).0.870.2656.8%.0320.2601
T OhkaJ Velandia511__0-0Jorge Velandia struck out looking to catcher.1.560.5153.1%-.037-0.2901
T OhkaJ Duncan521__0-0Jeff Duncan struck out swinging to catcher.1.110.2350.0%-.031-0.2301
J SeoB Wilkerson60___0-0Brad Wilkerson grounded out to first (Grounder).1.340.4953.4%-.034-0.2300
J SeoH Mateo61___0-0Henry Mateo flied out to shortstop (Fly).0.980.2655.8%-.024-0.1600
J SeoO Cabrera62___0-0Orlando Cabrera grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.660.1057.4%-.017-0.1000
T OhkaJ Seo60___0-0Jae Seo grounded out to second (Grounder).1.320.4954.1%-.033-0.2301
T OhkaR Cedeno61___0-0Roger Cedeno singled to pitcher (Grounder).0.980.2657.7%.0360.2601
T OhkaR Cedeno611__0-0Roger Cedeno advanced on error to 2B. Error by Tomo Ohka.1.750.5160.5%.0280.1601
T OhkaJ McEwing61_2_0-0Joe McEwing grounded out to first (Grounder). Roger Cedeno advanced to 3B.1.860.6756.1%-.044-0.3101
T OhkaM Piazza62__30-0Mike Piazza walked.2.230.3657.5%.0150.1401
T OhkaT Clark621_30-0Tony Clark struck out swinging to catcher.2.740.4950.0%-.075-0.4901
J SeoV Guerrero70___0-0Vladimir Guerrero fouled out to first (Fly).1.540.4953.9%-.039-0.2300
J SeoW Cordero71___0-1Wil Cordero homered (Fly).1.140.2632.5%.2131.0010
J SeoR Calloway71___0-1Ron Calloway grounded out to second (Grounder).0.710.2634.3%-.018-0.1600
J SeoT Zeile72___0-1Todd Zeile grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.490.1035.5%-.012-0.1000
T OhkaT Perez70___0-1Timo Perez singled to right (Grounder).1.910.4943.2%.0770.3801
T OhkaT Wigginton701__0-1Ty Wigginton fouled out to catcher (Bunt Fly).3.120.8736.1%-.071-0.3601
T OhkaT Perez711__0-1Timo Perez advanced on error to 2B. Error by Wil Cordero.2.580.5139.8%.0370.1601
T OhkaM Watson71_2_0-1Matt Watson grounded out to first (Grounder). Timo Perez advanced to 3B.2.720.6733.2%-.066-0.3101
T OhkaT Perez72__31-1Timo Perez advanced on a wild pitch to score.3.080.3652.0%.1880.7411
T OhkaJ Duncan72___1-1Jeff Duncan struck out swinging to catcher.0.800.1050.0%-.020-0.1001
J SeoM Barrett80___1-1Michael Barrett flied out to center (Fly).1.840.4954.6%-.046-0.2300
J SeoE Guzman81___1-1Edwards Guzman singled to center (Liner).1.380.2649.7%.0490.2600
J SeoB Wilkerson811__1-1Brad Wilkerson doubled to right (Grounder). Jamey Carroll advanced to 3B.2.430.5132.2%.1750.8800
J SeoJ Vidro81_231-1Jose Vidro was intentionally walked.3.211.3931.8%.0040.1700
D WheelerO Cabrera811231-1Orlando Cabrera grounded into a double play to third (Grounder). Vic Darensbourg out at second.4.901.5660.5%-.287-1.5600
L AyalaR Gonzalez80___1-1Raul Gonzalez grounded out to second (Grounder).1.800.4956.0%-.045-0.2301
L AyalaR Cedeno81___1-1Roger Cedeno struck out looking to catcher.1.380.2652.6%-.034-0.1601
L AyalaJ McEwing82___1-1Joe McEwing flied out to third (Fly).1.020.1050.0%-.026-0.1001
G RobertsV Guerrero90___1-1Vladimir Guerrero tripled to right (Fly).2.300.4921.4%.2860.9200
G RobertsW Cordero90__31-2Wil Cordero doubled to right (Liner). Vladimir Guerrero scored.2.401.4111.3%.1010.7010
G RobertsE Chavez90_2_1-2Endy Chavez singled to third (Bunt Grounder). Wil Cordero advanced to 3B.0.771.117.3%.0410.7300
G RobertsT Zeile901_31-3Todd Zeile singled to right (Grounder). Wil Cordero scored. Endy Chavez advanced to 3B.0.741.833.2%.0401.0010
G RobertsM Barrett901_31-4Michael Barrett singled to center (Liner). Endy Chavez scored. Todd Zeile advanced to 2B.0.341.832.0%.0120.6410
J FrancoJ Carroll9012_1-4Jamey Carroll struck out swinging to catcher.0.221.482.7%-.007-0.5800
J FrancoB Wilkerson9112_1-4Brad Wilkerson flied out to second (Fly).0.260.903.3%-.006-0.4700
J FrancoJ Macias9212_1-4Jose Macias struck out looking to catcher.0.240.433.9%-.006-0.4300
R BiddleM Piazza90___1-4Mike Piazza singled to right (Liner).0.890.498.5%.0450.3801
R BiddleT Clark901__1-4Tony Clark singled to right (Liner). Mike Piazza advanced to 2B.1.830.8717.8%.0930.6101
R BiddleT Perez9012_1-4Timo Perez singled to left (Fly). Mike Piazza advanced to 3B. Tony Clark advanced to 2B.3.471.4831.7%.1390.8501
R BiddleT Wigginton901231-4Ty Wigginton flied out to right (Fly).5.592.3319.8%-.119-0.7701
R BiddleM Scutaro911232-4Marco Scutaro singled to shortstop (Grounder). Mike Piazza scored. Tony Clark advanced to 3B. Timo Perez advanced to 2B.4.941.5632.6%.1281.0011
R BiddleJ Duncan911232-4Jeff Duncan struck out looking to catcher.7.371.5617.2%-.154-0.8001
R BiddleJ Bell921232-4Jay Bell flied out to left (Fly).6.860.760.0%-.172-0.7601

Roger Cedeno - RF4100000.0%25.0%.000.333.
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS4000000.0%0.0%.
Mike Piazza - C42010025.0%0.0%.000.667.667.750.667.622290
Tony Clark - 1B4100000.0%25.0%.000.333.
Timo Perez - LF4201000.0%0.0%.000.500.500.500.500.446175
Ty Wigginton - 3B4100000.0%0.0%.
Jorge Velandia - SS2000000.0%100.0%.
Matt Watson - PH1000000.0%0.0%.
Marco Scutaro - 2B1100100.0%0.0%.0001.0001.0001.0001.000.891466
Jeff Duncan - CF4000000.0%75.0%.
Raul Gonzalez - PH1000000.0%0.0%.
Jae Seo - P2000000.0%50.0%.
Jay Bell - PH1000000.0%0.0%.

Jae Seo000017.19.822.451.23.222100.0%42.1%12.5%1.233.443.26
John Franco000001.
Dan Wheeler000000.
Grant Roberts (L)010000.

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF5100000.0%40.0%.200.333.200.200.400.25042
Jose Macias - PH1000000.0%100.0%.
Jose Vidro - PH100000100.0%0.0%.000.000.0001.000.000.000-100
Henry Mateo - 2B3000000.0%66.7%.
Vic Darensbourg - PR0000000.0%0.0%. 
Orlando Cabrera - SS4100000.0%0.0%.
Vladimir Guerrero - RF4101000.0%25.0%.500.333.250.250.750.393135
Wil Cordero - 1B4212200.0%0.0%1.000.333.500.5001.500.812409
Endy Chavez - CF1101000.0%0.0%.0001.0001.0001.0001.000.891460
Ron Calloway - LF3100000.0%33.3%.333.500.333.333.667.416150
Todd Zeile - 3B41001025.0%0.0%.000.333.333.500.333.399139
Michael Barrett - C4100100.0%25.0%.000.333.
Tomo Ohka - P2000000.0%50.0%.
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B1000000.0%100.0%.
Edwards Guzman - PH1100000.0%0.0%.0001.0001.0001.0001.000.891460

Tomo Ohka000017.07.711.290.00.21180.0%66.7%0.0%0.001.752.79
Luis Ayala (W)100001.
Rocky Biddle (SV)001001.

Roger Cedeno - RF441100000001000000.250
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS440000000000000000.000
Mike Piazza - C342200010100000000.667
Tony Clark - 1B441100000001000000.250
Timo Perez - LF442200010000000000.500
Ty Wigginton - 3B441100000000000000.250
Jorge Velandia - SS220000000002000000.000
Matt Watson - PH110000000000000000.000
Marco Scutaro - 2B1111000010000000001.000
Jeff Duncan - CF440000000003000000.000
Raul Gonzalez - PH110000000000000000.000
Jae Seo - P220000000001000000.000
Jay Bell - PH110000000000000000.000

Jae Seo001.2311000007.1295111210008
John Franco000.0010000001.030000000002
Dan Wheeler000.0010000000.210000000000
Grant Roberts (L)0127.0010000000.055330000000

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF551010000002000000.200
Jose Macias - PH110000000001000000.000
Jose Vidro - PH010000000110000000.000
Henry Mateo - 2B330000000002000000.000
Vic Darensbourg - PR000000000000000000.000
Orlando Cabrera - SS441010000000000100.250
Vladimir Guerrero - RF441001010001000000.250
Wil Cordero - 1B442010122000000000.500
Endy Chavez - CF1111000100000000001.000
Ron Calloway - LF331010000001000000.333
Todd Zeile - 3B341100001100000000.333
Michael Barrett - C441100001001000000.250
Tomo Ohka - P220000000001000000.000
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B110000000001000000.000
Edwards Guzman - PH1111000000000000001.000

Tomo Ohka000.0011000007.0264100100106
Luis Ayala (W)100.0010000001.030000000001
Rocky Biddle (SV)009.0010001001.074110000001

Roger Cedeno - RF0.0%25.0%
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS0.0%0.0%
Mike Piazza - C25.0%0.0%1.00.667.750.6671.417.0001.6.6670.011.0.622290
Tony Clark - 1B0.0%25.0%
Timo Perez - LF0.0%0.0%0.00.500.500.5001.000.0002.6.5000.010.4.446175
Ty Wigginton - 3B0.0%0.0%
Jorge Velandia - SS0.0%100.0%
Matt Watson - PH0.0%0.0%
Marco Scutaro - 2B0.0%0.0%0.001.0001.0001.0002.000.0000.11.0000.010.5.891466
Jeff Duncan - CF0.0%75.0%
Raul Gonzalez - PH0.0%0.0%
Jae Seo - P0.0%50.0%
Jay Bell - PH0.0%0.0%

Jae Seo9.822.454.001.2327.6%6.9%20.7%.1850.95.222100.0%29813.44
John Franco18.
Dan Wheeler0.
Grant Roberts (L)

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF0.0%40.0%
Jose Macias - PH0.0%100.0%
Jose Vidro - PH100.0%0.0%1.00.0001.000.0001.000.0000.1.0000.00-0.3.000-100
Henry Mateo - 2B0.0%66.7%
Vic Darensbourg - PR0.0%0.0% 
Orlando Cabrera - SS0.0%0.0%
Vladimir Guerrero - RF0.0%25.0%
Wil Cordero - 1B0.0%0.0%0.00.500.5001.5002.0001.0002.6.3330.021.6.812409
Endy Chavez - CF0.0%0.0%0.001.0001.0001.0002.000.0002.61.0000.010.5.891460
Ron Calloway - LF0.0%33.3%0.00.333.333.6671.000.3330.1.5000.010.2.416150
Todd Zeile - 3B25.0%0.0%1.00.333.500.333.833.0000.1.3330.010.2.399139
Michael Barrett - C0.0%25.0%
Tomo Ohka - P0.0%50.0%
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B0.0%100.0%
Edwards Guzman - PH0.0%0.0%0.001.0001.0001.0002.000.0000.11.0000.010.5.891460

Tomo Ohka7.711.296.000.0023.1%3.8%19.2%.1600.71.21180.0%0391.75
Luis Ayala (W)
Rocky Biddle (SV)

Roger Cedeno - RF3.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%66.7%33.3%0.0%
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS0.330.0%25.0%75.0%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%50.0%25.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%
Mike Piazza - C1.0033.3%33.3%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%66.7%0.0%33.3%0.0%66.7%33.3%
Tony Clark - 1B2.0033.3%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%
Timo Perez - LF3.000.0%75.0%25.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%25.0%50.0%25.0%75.0%0.0%
Ty Wigginton - 3B0.0033.3%0.0%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%75.0%25.0%75.0%0.0%
Jorge Velandia - SS0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Matt Watson - PH1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Marco Scutaro - 2B1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%
Jeff Duncan - CF0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Raul Gonzalez - PH1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Jae Seo - P1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Jay Bell - PH0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%

Jae Seo1.0015.8%42.1%42.1%37.5%12.5%0.0%0.0%50.0%35.0%15.0%20.0%60.0%20.0%2.88753.26
John Franco0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%-1.67100.49
Dan Wheeler1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%1.34693.03
Grant Roberts (L)1.0050.0%25.0%25.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%20.0%80.0%20.0%40.0%40.0%9.261034.49

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF2.000.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%75.0%25.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%
Jose Macias - PH0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Jose Vidro - PH0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Henry Mateo - 2B0.000.0%0.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%
Vic Darensbourg - PR0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Orlando Cabrera - SS3.0025.0%75.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%75.0%25.0%
Vladimir Guerrero - RF0.000.0%0.0%100.0%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%33.3%33.3%33.3%
Wil Cordero - 1B0.0050.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%25.0%25.0%25.0%25.0%50.0%
Endy Chavez - CF0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%
Ron Calloway - LF1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Todd Zeile - 3B3.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%33.3%66.7%0.0%
Michael Barrett - C0.0033.3%0.0%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Tomo Ohka - P1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Edwards Guzman - PH0.00100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%

Tomo Ohka2.405.6%66.7%27.8%20.0%0.0%8.3%0.0%42.1%21.1%36.8%31.6%68.4%0.0%0.82642.79
Luis Ayala (W)1.000.0%50.0%50.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%-1.43572.49
Rocky Biddle (SV)0.3333.3%16.7%50.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%16.7%66.7%16.7%4.111255.41

Roger Cedeno - RF300010061117
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS13020003912
Mike Piazza - C11100009413
Tony Clark - 1B201000041620
Timo Perez - LF3100000178
Ty Wigginton - 3B02100103710
Jorge Velandia - SS0000000189
Matt Watson - PH1000000336
Marco Scutaro - 2B1000100022
Jeff Duncan - CF010000041115
Raul Gonzalez - PH1000000347
Jae Seo - P1000000268
Jay Bell - PH0100000224

Jae Seo883300014092132
John Franco010000013811
Dan Wheeler10000000347
Grant Roberts (L)112001104913

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF210000052025
Jose Macias - PH0000000235
Jose Vidro - PH0000000404
Henry Mateo - 2B01010004913
Vic Darensbourg - PR0000000000
Orlando Cabrera - SS301000062026
Vladimir Guerrero - RF03010006814
Wil Cordero - 1B02210002810
Endy Chavez - CF0000011112
Ron Calloway - LF11000007815
Todd Zeile - 3B300000071320
Michael Barrett - C021000031013
Tomo Ohka - P1000000268
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B0000000033
Edwards Guzman - PH0010000145

Tomo Ohka125111101296897
Luis Ayala (W)110100037916
Rocky Biddle (SV)1320100051318

Roger Cedeno - RF0.00-0.070.06-0.08-0.011.09 0-0.020.02
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS-0.11-0.110.00-0.80-0.081.14 0-0.100.00
Mike Piazza - C0.05- 00.06-0.01
Tony Clark - 1B-0.02-0.110.09-0.21-0.021.47 0-0.030.02
Timo Perez - LF0.39-0.050.441.670.172.19 00.110.07
Ty Wigginton - 3B-0.17-0.210.03-1.02-0.112.56 0-0.03-0.04
Jorge Velandia - SS-0.05-0.050.00-0.39-0.041.00 0-0.050.00
Matt Watson - PH-0.07-0.070.00-0.31-0.032.722.721-0.020.00
Marco Scutaro - 2B0. 00.030.00
Jeff Duncan - CF-0.23-0.230.00-1.35-0.142.57 0-0.100.01
Raul Gonzalez - PH-0.05-0.050.00-0.23-0.021.801.801-0.030.00
Jae Seo - P-0.05-0.050.00-0.39-0.041.02 0-0.050.00
Jay Bell - PH-0.17-0.170.00-0.76-0.086.866.861-0.030.00

Jae Seo0.02-0.530.551.340.
John Franco0. 00.080.0000
Dan Wheeler0.
Grant Roberts (L)-0.48-0.480.00-3.99-0.421.312.302.300.221-0.31-0.0601

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF0.09-0.090.18-0.28-0.031.18 0-0.030.10
Jose Macias - PH-0.01-0.010.00-0.43-
Jose Vidro - PH0.
Henry Mateo - 2B-0.06-0.060.00-0.47-0.050.77 0-0.070.00
Vic Darensbourg - PR       0  
Orlando Cabrera - SS-0.29-0.320.02-1.54-0.161.60 0-0.06-0.13
Vladimir Guerrero - RF0.19- 00.050.08
Wil Cordero - 1B0.27-0.040.311.310.141.31 00.180.03
Endy Chavez - CF0. 00.050.00
Ron Calloway - LF0.01- 00.020.00
Todd Zeile - 3B0.02- 00.020.00
Michael Barrett - C-0.10-0.110.01-0.21-0.021.28 0-0.04-0.04
Tomo Ohka - P-0.06-0.060.00-0.53-0.061.15 0-0.050.00
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B-0.01-0.010.00-0.58-0.060.22 0-0.030.00
Edwards Guzman - PH0.

Tomo Ohka0.21-0.430.632.420.251.351.180.871.8010.29-0.1300
Luis Ayala (W)
Rocky Biddle (SV)0.04-0.410.44-0.51-0.054.420.890.89 0-0.100.1100

Roger Cedeno - RF70.6%88.85.9%84.0    17.6%82.75.9%84.0   
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS75.0%89.325.0%83.7           
Mike Piazza - C84.6%87.77.7%85.0    7.7%80.0     
Tony Clark - 1B50.0%89.310.0%85.5  10.0%79.510.0%84.520.0%84.5   
Timo Perez - LF75.0%87.0      25.0%84.0     
Ty Wigginton - 3B80.0%88.1    10.0% 10.0%84.0     
Jorge Velandia - SS77.8%88.122.2%84.5           
Matt Watson - PH33.3%87.5      33.3%83.533.3%84.5   
Marco Scutaro - 2B50.0%94.0    50.0%87.0       
Jeff Duncan - CF33.3%90.26.7%85.0  6.7%85.013.3%85.540.0%84.4   
Raul Gonzalez - PH85.7%90.614.3%83.0           
Jae Seo - P62.5%90.537.5%84.7           
Jay Bell - PH75.0%89.0    25.0%87.0       
Total64.9%88.910.7%84.4  4.6%83.69.9%83.69.9%84.4   

Jae Seo58.3%88.10.8%   22.7%79.616.7%79.91.5%    
John Franco81.8%86.918.2%84.5           
Dan Wheeler71.4%89.028.6%85.5           
Grant Roberts (L)92.3%90.17.7%            
Total63.2%88.23.7%85.0  18.4%79.613.5%79.91.2%    

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF72.0%88.38.0%83.0  16.0%80.34.0%80.0     
Jose Macias - PH80.0%86.820.0%86.0           
Jose Vidro - PH100.0%              
Henry Mateo - 2B84.6%87.5      15.4%79.5     
Vic Darensbourg - PR               
Orlando Cabrera - SS50.0%88.87.7%85.5  34.6%79.27.7%80.0     
Vladimir Guerrero - RF64.3%88.37.1%     21.4%78.77.1%    
Wil Cordero - 1B30.0%89.0    40.0%79.030.0%80.3     
Endy Chavez - CF100.0%90.0             
Ron Calloway - LF73.3%87.8    6.7%82.020.0%80.3     
Todd Zeile - 3B50.0%88.8    25.0%79.620.0%80.05.0%    
Michael Barrett - C53.8%88.0    23.1%79.023.1%80.7     
Tomo Ohka - P62.5%89.6    25.0%80.012.5%79.0     
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B100.0%84.0             
Edwards Guzman - PH60.0%88.7    40.0%80.0       
Total63.2%88.23.7%85.0  18.4%79.613.5%79.91.2%    

Tomo Ohka62.9%88.111.3%84.6  1.0%74.011.3%83.213.4%84.4   
Luis Ayala (W)81.3%90.718.8%83.7           
Rocky Biddle (SV)61.1%93.3    27.8%86.011.1%86.0     
Total64.9%88.910.7%84.4  4.6%83.69.9%83.69.9%84.4   

Roger Cedeno - RF-0.6-0.2  0.50.0 -4.80-24.51  17.482.96 
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS-1.0-0.1     -10.94-2.04     
Mike Piazza - C0.90.0  0.0  8.442.96  2.96  
Tony Clark - 1B-0.2-0.1 0.5-0.3-0.2 -2.49-4.05 26.96-12.73-5.93 
Timo Perez - LF0.1   0.3  2.23   17.25  
Ty Wigginton - 3B-0.3  0.0-0.1  -4.21  2.96-5.80  
Jorge Velandia - SS-0.5-0.1     -6.79-4.54     
Matt Watson - PH0.1   0.0-0.3 6.28   -0.74-17.08 
Marco Scutaro - 2B0.5  0.0   50.68  -3.66   
Jeff Duncan - CF-0.40.0 -0.2-0.1-0.4 -7.72-3.66 -18.58-3.66-7.45 
Raul Gonzalez - PH0.1-0.3     0.85-28.21     
Jae Seo - P-0.4-0.1     -7.72-4.02     
Jay Bell - PH-0.3  0.0   -10.04  2.96   
Total-1.9-0.9 0.40.5-1.0 -2.29-6.34 6.273.84-7.66 

Jae Seo0.90.0 0.5-0.10.0 1.113.66 1.56-0.43-2.18 
John Franco0.50.3     5.8115.74     
Dan Wheeler1.0-0.1     19.06-5.59     
Grant Roberts (L)-3.30.0     -27.503.66     
Total-1.00.3 0.5-0.10.0 -0.944.60 1.56-0.43-2.18 

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF0.1-0.3 -0.1-0.1  0.71-14.67 -1.92-5.31  
Jose Macias - PH-0.2-0.1     -5.44-5.80     
Jose Vidro - PH0.2      4.39      
Henry Mateo - 2B-0.8   0.0  -7.34   -0.78  
Vic Darensbourg - PR              
Orlando Cabrera - SS-0.30.1 -0.30.0  -2.315.59 -3.72-0.35  
Vladimir Guerrero - RF0.70.0  -0.40.0 7.28-3.66  -13.822.18 
Wil Cordero - 1B0.6  -0.11.1  19.70  -2.6137.89  
Endy Chavez - CF0.5      23.51      
Ron Calloway - LF0.3  0.1-0.1  2.44  5.21-1.81  
Todd Zeile - 3B0.6  -0.1-0.20.0 6.20  -2.51-4.712.18 
Michael Barrett - C0.0  -0.1-0.3  0.59  -4.37-9.12  
Tomo Ohka - P-0.4  -0.20.0  -7.05  -11.61-3.66  
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B-0.3      -9.68      
Edwards Guzman - PH0.0  0.5   -0.49  24.25   
Total1.0-0.3 - 0.94-4.60 -1.560.432.18 

Tomo Ohka2.40.4 0.0-0.61.0 4.013.55 0.00-5.367.66 
Luis Ayala (W)0.30.5     2.1616.58     
Rocky Biddle (SV)-0.8  -0.40.1  -7.06  -7.524.54  
Total1.90.9 -0.4-0.51.0 2.296.34 -6.27-3.847.66 

Roger Cedeno - RF11.1%75.0%41.2%0.0%83.3%71.4%47.1%75.0%11.8%
Joe McEwing - 2B-SS0.0%88.9%66.7% 87.5%87.5%75.0%75.0%8.3%
Mike Piazza - C0.0%100.0%30.8% 100.0%100.0%30.8% 0.0%
Tony Clark - 1B50.0%75.0%65.0%50.0%88.9%76.9%60.0%50.0%15.0%
Timo Perez - LF33.3%60.0%50.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%62.5%100.0%0.0%
Ty Wigginton - 3B0.0%71.4%50.0% 80.0%80.0%70.0%75.0%10.0%
Jorge Velandia - SS50.0%85.7%77.8%0.0%50.0%42.9%77.8%100.0%44.4%
Matt Watson - PH25.0%50.0%33.3%100.0%100.0%100.0%33.3% 0.0%
Marco Scutaro - 2B 50.0%50.0% 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%
Jeff Duncan - CF25.0%71.4%46.7%0.0%40.0%28.6%46.7%75.0%33.3%
Raul Gonzalez - PH0.0%66.7%28.6% 100.0%100.0%42.9%100.0%0.0%
Jae Seo - P50.0%50.0%50.0%100.0%50.0%75.0%50.0%100.0%12.5%
Jay Bell - PH0.0%50.0%25.0% 100.0%100.0%50.0% 0.0%

Jae Seo30.4%69.9%52.7%47.1%84.3%75.0%56.6%69.0%12.9%
John Franco25.0%57.1%45.5%0.0%100.0%80.0%63.6%66.7%9.1%
Dan Wheeler0.0%75.0%42.9% 100.0%100.0%57.1% 0.0%
Grant Roberts (L)20.0%75.0%53.8%0.0%100.0%85.7%61.5%60.0%7.7%

Brad Wilkerson - CF-LF28.6%66.7%56.0%0.0%83.3%71.4%72.0%60.0%16.0%
Jose Macias - PH0.0%33.3%20.0% 100.0%100.0%60.0% 0.0%
Jose Vidro - PH100.0% 100.0%0.0% 0.0%  25.0%
Henry Mateo - 2B0.0%55.6%38.5% 40.0%40.0%69.2%100.0%23.1%
Vic Darensbourg - PR         
Orlando Cabrera - SS25.0%88.9%69.2%50.0%87.5%83.3%69.2%50.0%11.5%
Vladimir Guerrero - RF33.3%80.0%50.0%33.3%100.0%71.4%35.7%100.0%14.3%
Wil Cordero - 1B33.3%57.1%50.0%0.0%100.0%80.0%70.0%100.0%10.0%
Endy Chavez - CF0.0%100.0%50.0% 100.0%100.0%50.0% 0.0%
Ron Calloway - LF27.3%75.0%40.0%100.0%66.7%83.3%26.7%33.3%6.7%
Todd Zeile - 3B18.2%55.6%35.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%45.0%50.0%0.0%
Michael Barrett - C25.0%66.7%53.8%0.0%100.0%85.7%69.2%100.0%7.7%
Tomo Ohka - P33.3%80.0%62.5%0.0%100.0%80.0%62.5%50.0%12.5%
Jamey Carroll - PR-2B100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%66.7%66.7%100.0%33.3%
Edwards Guzman - PH66.7%50.0%60.0%50.0%100.0%66.7%40.0% 20.0%

Tomo Ohka25.0%77.4%53.6%54.5%75.6%71.2%54.6%73.1%15.5%
Luis Ayala (W)11.1%71.4%37.5%0.0%80.0%66.7%43.8%66.7%12.5%
Rocky Biddle (SV)0.0%58.3%38.9% 100.0%100.0%66.7%42.9%0.0%