Open the calendar popup.

Hector Luna - PH-SS11000001.0000.010.00
David Eckstein - SS14201000.5330.57-0.03
John Rodriguez - LF-RF25302001.6040.290.04
Albert Pujols - 1B35313301.7500.390.17
So Taguchi - CF41000000.0000.000.00
Jim Edmonds - CF44202110.6220.400.03
Scott Rolen - 3B54211502.8030.490.18
Yadier Molina - PH-1B51000000.0000.000.00
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B61000000.7370.000.00
Juan Encarnacion - RF64000011.1770.160.00
Gary Bennett - C75100001.2480.150.01
Aaron Miles - 2B85200010.4980.200.03
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF91000010.7080.010.00
Jason Marquis - P93000000.0000.42-0.04

Craig Counsell - SS14000010.1770.410.00
Eric Byrnes - CF24000000.0000.46-0.04
Damion Easley - PH31000010.7080.010.00
Chad Tracy - 3B33000020.4720.460.04
Luis Gonzalez - LF43000010.2360.81-0.06
Jeff DaVanon - LF41000000.0000.030.00
Conor Jackson - 1B54111101.4930.500.03
Shawn Green - RF64200001.4450.390.06
Johnny Estrada - C73000000.0000.87-0.09
Orlando Hudson - 2B82000000.0000.66-0.03
Tony Clark - PH81000000.0000.020.00
Andy Green - 2B92000001.0000.080.00
Claudio Vargas - P91000000.0000.68-0.02

Jason Marquis (W)7.026311416.430.600.11
Tyler Johnson1.04000114.150.010.00
Brian Falkenborg1.03000011.150.020.00
Jason Grimsley3.012401021.810.06-0.02
Claudio Vargas (L)3.0218283213.480.58-0.36
Greg Aquino1.05100006.150.000.00
Brandon Medders1.06200130.150.010.00

J MarquisC Counsell10___0-0Craig Counsell fouled out to pitcher (Fly).0.870.5152.2%-.022-0.2400
J MarquisE Byrnes11___0-0Eric Byrnes grounded out to first (Grounder).0.620.2753.8%-.016-0.1700
J MarquisC Tracy12___0-0Chad Tracy walked.0.400.1152.6%.0120.1300
J MarquisL Gonzalez121__0-0Luis Gonzalez grounded out to first (Grounder).0.790.2354.8%-.022-0.2300
C VargasD Eckstein10___0-0David Eckstein grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.870.5152.6%-.022-0.2401
C VargasJ Rodriguez11___0-0John Rodriguez doubled to right (Fliner (Liner)).0.620.2756.6%.0400.4201
C VargasA Pujols11_2_1-0Albert Pujols singled to center (Liner). John Rodriguez scored. Albert Pujols advanced to 2B on error. Error by Eric Byrnes.1.200.6966.2%.0961.0011
C VargasJ Edmonds11_2_1-0Jim Edmonds walked.1.050.6967.8%.0160.2401
C VargasS Rolen1112_4-0Scott Rolen homered (Fly). Albert Pujols scored. Jim Edmonds scored.1.630.9285.4%.1772.3511
C VargasJ Encarnacion11___4-0Juan Encarnacion walked.0.270.2786.4%.0100.2601
C VargasG Bennett111__4-0Gary Bennett reached on error to second (Grounder). Juan Encarnacion advanced to 2B on error. Error by Orlando Hudson.0.470.5387.8%.0140.3901
C VargasA Miles1112_4-0Aaron Miles walked. Juan Encarnacion advanced to 3B. Gary Bennett advanced to 2B.0.760.9290.0%.0230.6601
C VargasJ Marquis111234-0Jason Marquis reached on fielder's choice to pitcher (Grounder). Juan Encarnacion out at home. Gary Bennett advanced to 3B. Aaron Miles advanced to 2B.0.951.5987.1%-.029-0.8101
C VargasD Eckstein121234-0David Eckstein flied out to right (Fly).1.120.7884.3%-.029-0.7801
J MarquisC Jackson20___4-1Conor Jackson homered (Fly).0.670.5177.9%.0641.0010
J MarquisS Green20___4-1Shawn Green singled to right (Grounder).0.810.5174.4%.0340.3900
J MarquisJ Estrada201__4-1Johnny Estrada flied out to center (Fly).1.380.9077.6%-.032-0.3600
J MarquisO Hudson211__4-1Orlando Hudson flied out to center (Fly).1.060.5380.2%-.026-0.3000
J MarquisC Vargas221__4-1Claudio Vargas grounded out to pitcher (Grounder).0.680.2382.2%-.020-0.2300
C VargasJ Rodriguez20___4-1John Rodriguez struck out swinging.0.470.5181.0%-.012-0.2401
C VargasA Pujols21___5-1Albert Pujols homered (Fly).0.350.2787.0%.0601.0011
C VargasJ Edmonds21___5-1Jim Edmonds flied out to right (Fly).0.250.2786.3%-.006-0.1701
C VargasS Rolen22___5-1Scott Rolen struck out swinging.0.170.1185.9%-.004-0.1101
J MarquisC Counsell30___5-1Craig Counsell walked.0.680.5183.0%.0290.3900
J MarquisE Byrnes301__5-1Eric Byrnes fouled out to first (Fly).1.180.9085.7%-.027-0.3600
J MarquisC Tracy311__5-1Chad Tracy walked. Craig Counsell advanced to 2B.0.890.5382.7%.0300.3900
J MarquisL Gonzalez3112_5-1Luis Gonzalez flied out to left (Fly).1.580.9286.3%-.036-0.4800
J MarquisC Jackson3212_5-1Conor Jackson struck out looking.1.200.4489.5%-.031-0.4400
C VargasJ Encarnacion30___5-1Juan Encarnacion flied out to right (Fly).0.310.5188.7%-.008-0.2401
C VargasG Bennett31___5-1Gary Bennett lined out to shortstop (Liner).0.230.2788.1%-.006-0.1701
C VargasA Miles32___5-1Aaron Miles singled to right (Grounder).0.150.1188.5%.0040.1301
C VargasJ Marquis321__5-1Jason Marquis flied out to center (Fly).0.290.2387.7%-.008-0.2301
J MarquisS Green40___5-1Shawn Green singled to center (Grounder).0.680.5184.7%.0300.3900
J MarquisJ Estrada401__5-1Johnny Estrada grounded into a double play to second (Grounder). Shawn Green out at second.1.200.9090.6%-.059-0.7900
J MarquisO Hudson42___5-1Orlando Hudson grounded out to second (Grounder).0.250.1191.3%-.007-0.1100
C VargasD Eckstein40___5-1David Eckstein doubled to second (Fly).0.270.5193.2%.0190.6201
C VargasJ Rodriguez40_2_5-1John Rodriguez singled to pitcher (Bunt Grounder). David Eckstein advanced to 3B.0.341.1495.0%.0180.7201
C VargasA Pujols401_36-1Albert Pujols singled to center (Liner). David Eckstein scored. John Rodriguez advanced to 2B.0.361.8696.3%.0130.6511
J GrimsleyJ Edmonds4012_7-1Jim Edmonds singled to right (Liner). John Rodriguez scored. Albert Pujols advanced to 3B.0.311.5198.3%.0201.3511
J GrimsleyS Rolen401_39-1Scott Rolen doubled to center (Fliner (Liner)). Albert Pujols scored. Jim Edmonds scored.0.121.8699.2%.0101.2811
J GrimsleyJ Encarnacion40_2_9-1Juan Encarnacion grounded out to third (Grounder).0.041.1499.0%-.002-0.4501
J GrimsleyG Bennett41_2_9-1Gary Bennett grounded out to shortstop (Grounder). Scott Rolen advanced to 3B.0.040.6998.9%-.001-0.3201
J GrimsleyA Miles42__39-1Aaron Miles grounded out to third (Grounder).0.050.3798.8%-.002-0.3701
J MarquisA Green50___9-1Andy Green flied out to center (Fly).0.120.5199.1%-.003-0.2400
J MarquisC Counsell51___9-1Craig Counsell grounded out to second (Grounder).0.060.2799.3%-.002-0.1700
J MarquisE Byrnes52___9-1Eric Byrnes flied out to center (Fly).0.030.1199.4%-.001-0.1100
J GrimsleyJ Marquis50___9-1Jason Marquis grounded out to first (Grounder).0.020.5199.3%-.001-0.2401
J GrimsleyD Eckstein51___9-1David Eckstein singled to left (Grounder).0.020.2799.4%.0010.2601
J GrimsleyJ Rodriguez511__9-1John Rodriguez grounded into a double play to pitcher (Grounder). David Eckstein out at second.0.020.5399.2%-.001-0.5301
J MarquisC Tracy60___9-1Chad Tracy flied out to left (Fly).0.090.5199.5%-.002-0.2400
J MarquisL Gonzalez61___9-1Luis Gonzalez walked.0.050.2799.2%.0020.2600
J MarquisC Jackson611__9-1Conor Jackson grounded into a double play to third (Grounder). Luis Gonzalez out at second.0.110.5399.6%-.004-0.5300
J GrimsleyA Pujols60___9-1Albert Pujols flied out to center (Fly).0.020.5199.6%.000-0.2401
J GrimsleyJ Edmonds61___9-1Jim Edmonds singled to center (Grounder).0.010.2799.6%.0000.2601
J GrimsleyS Rolen611__9-1Scott Rolen struck out swinging.0.020.5399.6%.000-0.3001
J GrimsleyJ Encarnacion621__9-1Juan Encarnacion struck out swinging.0.010.2399.6%.000-0.2301
J MarquisS Green70___9-1Shawn Green lined out to shortstop (Liner).0.050.5199.7%-.002-0.2400
J MarquisJ Estrada71___9-1Johnny Estrada grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.030.2799.8%-.001-0.1700
J MarquisT Clark72___9-1Tony Clark flied out to left (Fly).0.020.1199.9%.000-0.1100
B MeddersG Bennett70___9-1Gary Bennett struck out swinging.0.010.5199.8%.000-0.2401
B MeddersA Miles71___9-1Aaron Miles singled to center (Fliner (Liner)).0.010.2799.9%.0000.2601
B MeddersL Bigbie711__9-1Larry Bigbie walked. Aaron Miles advanced to 2B.0.010.5399.9%.0000.3901
B MeddersH Luna7112_9-1Hector Luna struck out looking.0.010.9299.9%.000-0.4801
B MeddersJ Rodriguez7212_9-1John Rodriguez singled to second (Grounder). Aaron Miles advanced to 3B. Larry Bigbie advanced to 2B.0.010.4499.9%.0000.3401
B MeddersA Pujols721239-1Albert Pujols struck out swinging.0.020.7899.8%.000-0.7801
B FalkenborgA Green80___9-1Andy Green struck out looking.0.030.5199.9%-.001-0.2400
B FalkenborgC Counsell81___9-1Craig Counsell grounded out to first (Grounder).0.020.2799.9%.000-0.1700
B FalkenborgE Byrnes82___9-1Eric Byrnes grounded out to catcher (Grounder).0.010.11100.0%.000-0.1100
G AquinoS Taguchi80___9-1So Taguchi grounded out to shortstop (Grounder).0.000.51100.0%.000-0.2401
G AquinoY Molina81___9-1Yadier Molina flied out to right (Fly).0.000.27100.0%.000-0.1701
G AquinoS Spiezio82___9-1Scott Spiezio was hit by a pitch.0.000.11100.0%.0000.1301
G AquinoG Bennett821__9-1Gary Bennett doubled to center (Liner). Scott Spiezio advanced to 3B.0.000.23100.0%.0000.3801
G AquinoA Miles82_239-1Aaron Miles grounded out to second (Grounder).0.000.61100.0%.000-0.6101
T JohnsonD Easley90___9-1Damion Easley walked.0.010.5199.9%.0010.3900
T JohnsonJ DaVanon901__9-1Jeff DaVanon grounded out to third (Grounder). Damion Easley advanced to 2B.0.030.90100.0%-.001-0.2100
T JohnsonC Jackson91_2_9-1Conor Jackson flied out to center (Fly).0.010.69100.0%.000-0.3600
T JohnsonS Green92_2_9-1Shawn Green struck out swinging.0.000.33100.0%.000-0.3300

Hector Luna - PH-SS1000000.0%100.0%.
David Eckstein - SS4201000.0%0.0%.250.500.500.500.750.533230
John Rodriguez - LF-RF5302000.0%20.0%.200.750.600.600.800.604277
Albert Pujols - 1B5313300.0%20.0%.600.667.600.6001.200.750372
So Taguchi - CF1000000.0%0.0%.
Jim Edmonds - CF42021025.0%0.0%.000.667.667.750.667.622288
Scott Rolen - 3B4211500.0%50.0%1.0001.000.500.5001.500.803406
Yadier Molina - PH-1B1000000.0%0.0%.
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B1000000.0%0.0%.000.000.0001.000.000.737364
Juan Encarnacion - RF40000025.0%25.0%.
Gary Bennett - C5100000.0%20.0%.
Aaron Miles - 2B52000020.0%0.0%.000.500.500.600.500.498207
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF100000100.0%0.0%.000.000.0001.000.000.708345
Jason Marquis - P3000000.0%0.0%.

Jason Marquis (W)100017.
Tyler Johnson000001.
Brian Falkenborg000001.

Craig Counsell - SS40000025.0%0.0%.
Eric Byrnes - CF4000000.0%0.0%.
Damion Easley - PH100000100.0%0.0%.000.000.0001.000.000.708338
Chad Tracy - 3B30000066.7%0.0%.
Luis Gonzalez - LF30000033.3%0.0%.
Jeff DaVanon - LF1000000.0%0.0%.
Conor Jackson - 1B4111100.0%25.0%.750.000.250.2501.000.493197
Shawn Green - RF4200000.0%25.0%.000.667.500.500.500.445166
Johnny Estrada - C3000000.0%0.0%.
Orlando Hudson - 2B2000000.0%0.0%.
Tony Clark - PH1000000.0%0.0%.
Andy Green - 2B2000000.0%50.0%.
Claudio Vargas - P1000000.0%0.0%.

Jason Grimsley000003.
Claudio Vargas (L)010013.
Greg Aquino000001.
Brandon Medders000001.

Hector Luna - PH-SS110000000001000000.000
David Eckstein - SS442110010000000000.500
John Rodriguez - LF-RF553210020001000100.600
Albert Pujols - 1B553200133001000000.600
So Taguchi - CF110000000000000000.000
Jim Edmonds - CF342200021100000000.667
Scott Rolen - 3B442010115002000000.500
Yadier Molina - PH-1B110000000000000000.000
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B010000000000100000.000
Juan Encarnacion - RF340000000101000000.000
Gary Bennett - C551010000001000000.200
Aaron Miles - 2B452200000100000000.500
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF010000000100000000.000
Jason Marquis - P330000000000000000.000

Jason Marquis (W)101.2911000007.0263111400001
Tyler Johnson000.0010000001.040000100001
Brian Falkenborg000.0010000001.030000000001

Craig Counsell - SS340000000100000000.000
Eric Byrnes - CF440000000000000000.000
Damion Easley - PH010000000100000000.000
Chad Tracy - 3B130000000200000000.000
Luis Gonzalez - LF230000000100000000.000
Jeff DaVanon - LF110000000000000000.000
Conor Jackson - 1B441000111001000100.250
Shawn Green - RF442200000001000000.500
Johnny Estrada - C330000000000000100.000
Orlando Hudson - 2B220000000000000000.000
Tony Clark - PH110000000000000000.000
Andy Green - 2B220000000001000000.000
Claudio Vargas - P110000000000000000.000

Jason Grimsley003.0010000003.0124110000002
Claudio Vargas (L)0124.0011000003.0218882300002
Greg Aquino000.0010000001.051000001000
Brandon Medders000.0010000001.062000100003

Hector Luna - PH-SS0.0%100.0%
David Eckstein - SS0.0%0.0%0.00.500.500.7501.250.2502.6.5000.010.7.533230
John Rodriguez - LF-RF0.0%20.0%0.00.600.600.8001.400.2002.6.7500.021.2.604277
Albert Pujols - 1B0.0%20.0%0.00.600.6001.2001.800.6002.6.6670.021.8.750372
So Taguchi - CF0.0%0.0%
Jim Edmonds - CF25.0%0.0%1.00.667.750.6671.417.0002.6.6670.011.0.622288
Scott Rolen - 3B0.0%50.0%0.00.500.5001.5002.0001.0000.11.0000.021.6.803406
Yadier Molina - PH-1B0.0%0.0%
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0.0%0.0%0.00.0001.000.0001.000.0000.1.0000.000.3.737364
Juan Encarnacion - RF25.0%25.0%
Gary Bennett - C0.0%20.0%
Aaron Miles - 2B20.0%0.0%1.00.500.600.5001.100.0000.1.5000.010.7.498207
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF100.0%0.0%1.00.0001.000.0001.000.0000.1.0000.000.3.708345
Jason Marquis - P0.0%0.0%

Jason Marquis (W)
Tyler Johnson9.
Brian Falkenborg9.

Craig Counsell - SS25.0%0.0%
Eric Byrnes - CF0.0%0.0%
Damion Easley - PH100.0%0.0%1.00.0001.000.0001.000.0000.1.0000.000.3.708338
Chad Tracy - 3B66.7%0.0%
Luis Gonzalez - LF33.3%0.0%
Jeff DaVanon - LF0.0%0.0%
Conor Jackson - 1B0.0%25.0%
Shawn Green - RF0.0%25.0%0.00.500.500.5001.000.0000.1.6670.010.4.445166
Johnny Estrada - C0.0%0.0%
Orlando Hudson - 2B0.0%0.0%
Tony Clark - PH0.0%0.0%
Andy Green - 2B0.0%50.0%
Claudio Vargas - P0.0%0.0%

Jason Grimsley6.
Claudio Vargas (L)
Greg Aquino0.
Brandon Medders27.

Hector Luna - PH-SS0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
David Eckstein - SS1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
John Rodriguez - LF-RF2.0033.3%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%25.0%75.0%0.0%
Albert Pujols - 1B0.0050.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%75.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%
So Taguchi - CF1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Jim Edmonds - CF1.0033.3%33.3%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Scott Rolen - 3B0.0050.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%
Yadier Molina - PH-1B0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Juan Encarnacion - RF1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Gary Bennett - C2.0050.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%75.0%25.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Aaron Miles - 2B3.0025.0%75.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%50.0%25.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Jason Marquis - P2.000.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%

Jason Marquis (W)1.004.8%47.6%47.6%20.0%10.0%0.0%0.0%28.6%52.4%19.0%4.8%90.5%4.8%4.941466.59
Tyler Johnson1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%2.821235.55
Brian Falkenborg2.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%-0.21251.15

Craig Counsell - SS2.000.0%66.7%33.3%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Eric Byrnes - CF1.000.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%
Damion Easley - PH0.000.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%      
Chad Tracy - 3B0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Luis Gonzalez - LF1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Jeff DaVanon - LF1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Conor Jackson - 1B0.500.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%66.7%33.3%
Shawn Green - RF2.0033.3%66.7%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Johnny Estrada - C2.000.0%66.7%33.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%33.3%66.7%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Orlando Hudson - 2B1.000.0%50.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Tony Clark - PH0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Andy Green - 2B0.000.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%
Claudio Vargas - P1.000.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%

Jason Grimsley7.0020.0%70.0%10.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%50.0%40.0%10.0%0.0%90.0%10.0%2.57502.28
Claudio Vargas (L)0.5726.7%26.7%46.7%0.0%28.6%0.0%100.0%43.8%31.3%25.0%12.5%75.0%12.5%13.391798.10
Greg Aquino2.0025.0%50.0%25.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%25.0%50.0%25.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%8.061677.55
Brandon Medders1.0050.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%0.0%100.0%0.0%2.8620.15

Hector Luna - PH-SS0000000033
David Eckstein - SS220000061218
John Rodriguez - LF-RF20100114812
Albert Pujols - 1B022000051318
So Taguchi - CF1000000022
Jim Edmonds - CF11100007512
Scott Rolen - 3B011000051015
Yadier Molina - PH-1B0100000011
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0000000347
Juan Encarnacion - RF11000007714
Gary Bennett - C202000061319
Aaron Miles - 2B30100009817
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF0000000426
Jason Marquis - P2100000358

Jason Marquis (W)1010120009355590
Tyler Johnson11000000101020
Brian Falkenborg2000000041317

Craig Counsell - SS210100071118
Eric Byrnes - CF220100041115
Damion Easley - PH0000000426
Chad Tracy - 3B01000009918
Luis Gonzalez - LF11000007411
Jeff DaVanon - LF1000000112
Conor Jackson - 1B120000041115
Shawn Green - RF201000051015
Johnny Estrada - C2100000178
Orlando Hudson - 2B1100000235
Tony Clark - PH0100000022
Andy Green - 2B0100000459
Claudio Vargas - P1000000123

Jason Grimsley7120000082432
Claudio Vargas (L)47400111354378
Greg Aquino211000004913
Brandon Medders10100000121729

Hector Luna - PH-SS0.000.000.00-0.48-
David Eckstein - SS-0.03-0.050.02-0.14-0.010.57 00.05-0.10
John Rodriguez - LF-RF0.04- 00.040.11
Albert Pujols - 1B0. 00.250.18
So Taguchi - CF0.000.000.00-0.24-0.020.00 00.00 
Jim Edmonds - CF0.03- 00.09-0.01
Scott Rolen - 3B0. 00.140.23
Yadier Molina - PH-1B0.000.000.00-0.17- 
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0. 00.00 
Juan Encarnacion - RF0.00-0.010.01-0.66-0.070.16 0-0.060.06
Gary Bennett - C0.01- 0-0.040.08
Aaron Miles - 2B0. 00.040.09
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF0.
Jason Marquis - P-0.04-0.040.00-1.28-0.130.42 0-0.08-0.01

Jason Marquis (W)0.11-0.200.312.590.260.600.450.870.0310.190.0000
Tyler Johnson0. 00.010.0300
Brian Falkenborg0.

Craig Counsell - SS0.00-0.020.03-0.19-0.020.41 0-0.030.04
Eric Byrnes - CF-0.04-0.040.00-0.74-0.070.46 0-0.09-0.01
Damion Easley - PH0.
Chad Tracy - 3B0. 00.040.05
Luis Gonzalez - LF-0.06-0.060.00-0.45-0.050.81 00.00-0.07
Jeff DaVanon - LF0.000.000.00-0.21-0.020.03 0-0.020.00
Conor Jackson - 1B0.03-0.040.06-0.34-0.030.50 00.000.06
Shawn Green - RF0. 00.060.10
Johnny Estrada - C-0.09-0.090.00-1.32-0.130.87 0-0.10-0.01
Orlando Hudson - 2B-0.03-0.030.00-0.41-0.040.66 0-0.050.00
Tony Clark - PH0.000.000.00-0.11-
Andy Green - 2B0.000.000.00-0.48-0.050.08 0-0.050.00
Claudio Vargas - P-0.02-0.020.00-0.23-0.020.68 0-0.030.00

Jason Grimsley-0.02-0.030.01-0.46-
Claudio Vargas (L)-0.36-0.490.12-5.46-0.550.580.480.870.311-0.48-0.1500
Greg Aquino0. 00.00 00
Brandon Medders0.

Hector Luna - PH-SS33.3%88.0  66.7%86.5         
David Eckstein - SS100.0%89.7             
John Rodriguez - LF-RF66.7%90.5  8.3%86.0  25.0%80.0     
Albert Pujols - 1B66.7%90.35.6%82.05.6%86.011.1%73.511.1%82.5     
So Taguchi - CF50.0%92.050.0%81.0           
Jim Edmonds - CF66.7%89.08.3%81.0    25.0%81.3     
Scott Rolen - 3B73.3%88.920.0%81.0    6.7%81.0     
Yadier Molina - PH-1B100.0%93.0             
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B28.6%93.042.9%83.5    28.6%85.5     
Juan Encarnacion - RF78.6%88.014.3%81.0    7.1%82.0     
Gary Bennett - C68.4%88.610.5%83.05.3%87.05.3%75.010.5%81.5     
Aaron Miles - 2B64.7%87.45.9%81.05.9%84.0  23.5%81.0     
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF83.3%89.8      16.7%79.0     
Jason Marquis - P100.0%89.6             

Jason Marquis (W)88.8%90.4    3.4%73.37.9%82.3    1.1%
Tyler Johnson75.0%88.820.0%82.0  5.0%77.0       
Brian Falkenborg73.3%89.6    6.7%80.020.0%84.0    11.8%
Total84.7%90.13.2%82.0  4.0%75.48.1%82.8    2.4%

Craig Counsell - SS83.3%90.1      16.7%83.0     
Eric Byrnes - CF76.9%90.6    7.7%80.015.4%83.0    13.3%
Damion Easley - PH100.0%88.8             
Chad Tracy - 3B88.9%90.9      11.1%83.0     
Luis Gonzalez - LF90.9%90.9      9.1%82.0     
Jeff DaVanon - LF100.0%91.0             
Conor Jackson - 1B93.3%89.8    6.7%77.0       
Shawn Green - RF71.4%89.428.6%82.0          6.7%
Johnny Estrada - C75.0%92.0    12.5%75.012.5%83.0     
Orlando Hudson - 2B80.0%87.8    20.0%74.0       
Tony Clark - PH100.0%90.0             
Andy Green - 2B88.9%89.5      11.1%82.0     
Claudio Vargas - P66.7%90.0    33.3%71.0       
Total84.7%90.13.2%82.0  4.0%75.48.1%82.8    2.4%

Jason Grimsley84.4%87.16.3%81.5    9.4%81.0     
Claudio Vargas (L)78.2%89.87.7%81.0    14.1%81.2     
Greg Aquino38.5%92.838.5%82.3    23.1%85.3     
Brandon Medders58.6%88.93.4%85.020.7%86.010.3%74.06.9%79.0     

Hector Luna - PH-SS0.0 -0.2    -3.94 -12.15    
David Eckstein - SS0.7      4.04      
John Rodriguez - LF-RF1.3 0.0 -0.8  16.82 3.51 -27.24  
Albert Pujols - 1B1.50.0-0.1-0.20.5  12.783.51-6.57-11.0323.70  
So Taguchi - CF0.0-0.2     -3.94-19.83     
Jim Edmonds - CF0.70.3  0.1  8.2526.30  2.22  
Scott Rolen - 3B2.1-0.3  -0.3  18.98-8.68  -26.34  
Yadier Molina - PH-1B-0.3      -28.17      
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0.40.0  0.0  19.25-0.77  -0.67  
Juan Encarnacion - RF-0.30.0  -0.2  -2.38-0.67  -22.07  
Gary Bennett - C0.30.1-  2.686.60-36.032.2311.19  
Aaron Miles - 2B0.40.00.6 -0.2  3.743.5155.31 -5.10  
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF0.2   0.1  4.53   9.70  
Jason Marquis - P-0.8      -10.41      
Total6.30.0-0.1-0.2-0.7  5.70-0.21-1.35-6.61-3.46  

Jason Marquis (W)2.8  -0.10.0  3.50  -3.20-0.28  
Tyler Johnson0.50.0 0.0   3.56-0.07 -3.51   
Brian Falkenborg0.5  0.00.0  4.93  0.001.33  
Total3.80.0 -0.10.0  3.66-0.07 -2.630.20  

Craig Counsell - SS-0.3   -0.2  -1.84   -5.69  
Eric Byrnes - CF-0.8  0.00.0  -8.49  0.00-1.35  
Damion Easley - PH0.3      5.39      
Chad Tracy - 3B0.2   0.1  1.46   6.60  
Luis Gonzalez - LF-0.2   0.0  -2.31   3.51  
Jeff DaVanon - LF-0.2      -11.88      
Conor Jackson - 1B-0.1  0.0   -0.47  3.51   
Shawn Green - RF0.30.0     3.460.07     
Johnny Estrada - C-1.4  0.00.0  -22.88  3.51-3.94  
Orlando Hudson - 2B-0.6  0.0   -13.86  3.51   
Tony Clark - PH-0.3      -14.08      
Andy Green - 2B-0.6   0.0  -7.67   4.96  
Claudio Vargas - P-0.3  0.0   -13.18  2.59   
Total-3.80.0 0.10.0  -3.660.07 2.63-0.20  

Jason Grimsley-0.70.2  1.0  -2.579.92  32.97  
Claudio Vargas (L)-4.2-0.3  -0.6  -6.95-4.29  -5.01  
Greg Aquino-0.80.2  0.3  -16.043.72  8.37  
Brandon Medders-0.5-  -3.18-9.701.356.61-1.56  
Total-  -5.700.211.356.613.46  

Hector Luna - PH-SS100.0%50.0%66.7%100.0%0.0%50.0%66.7%100.0%33.3%
David Eckstein - SS25.0%60.0%44.4%100.0%100.0%100.0%55.6%100.0%0.0%
John Rodriguez - LF-RF42.9%80.0%58.3%66.7%100.0%85.7%41.7%60.0%8.3%
Albert Pujols - 1B44.4%77.8%61.1%50.0%100.0%81.8%50.0%80.0%11.1%
So Taguchi - CF 50.0%50.0% 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%
Jim Edmonds - CF0.0%60.0%25.0% 100.0%100.0%41.7%25.0%0.0%
Scott Rolen - 3B37.5%85.7%60.0%66.7%83.3%77.8%46.7%75.0%13.3%
Yadier Molina - PH-1B 100.0%100.0% 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%
Scott Spiezio - 1B-3B0.0%50.0%28.6% 100.0%100.0%57.1%100.0%0.0%
Juan Encarnacion - RF12.5%66.7%35.7%0.0%100.0%80.0%42.9%25.0%7.1%
Gary Bennett - C14.3%66.7%47.4%0.0%100.0%88.9%63.2%80.0%5.3%
Aaron Miles - 2B10.0%57.1%29.4%0.0%100.0%80.0%41.2%40.0%5.9%
Larry Bigbie - PH-LF0.0%100.0%33.3% 100.0%100.0%33.3% 0.0%
Jason Marquis - P40.0%100.0%62.5%50.0%100.0%80.0%37.5%33.3%12.5%

Jason Marquis (W)10.3%60.8%38.9%100.0%100.0%100.0%56.7%46.2%0.0%
Tyler Johnson0.0%70.0%35.0% 85.7%85.7%50.0%25.0%5.0%
Brian Falkenborg33.3%54.5%47.1%50.0%100.0%87.5%64.7%66.7%5.9%

Craig Counsell - SS12.5%80.0%50.0%0.0%100.0%88.9%55.6%50.0%5.6%
Eric Byrnes - CF20.0%70.0%53.3%100.0%100.0%100.0%66.7%50.0%0.0%
Damion Easley - PH0.0%50.0%16.7% 100.0%100.0%33.3% 0.0%
Chad Tracy - 3B18.2%42.9%27.8%100.0%100.0%100.0%38.9%66.7%0.0%
Luis Gonzalez - LF0.0%50.0%18.2% 100.0%100.0%36.4% 0.0%
Jeff DaVanon - LF0.0%100.0%50.0% 100.0%100.0%50.0% 0.0%
Conor Jackson - 1B20.0%50.0%40.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%66.7%50.0%0.0%
Shawn Green - RF0.0%70.0%46.7% 85.7%85.7%66.7%75.0%6.7%
Johnny Estrada - C50.0%66.7%62.5%100.0%100.0%100.0%75.0%66.7%0.0%
Orlando Hudson - 2B0.0%66.7%40.0% 100.0%100.0%60.0% 0.0%
Tony Clark - PH 50.0%50.0% 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%0.0%
Andy Green - 2B0.0%40.0%22.2% 100.0%100.0%55.6% 0.0%
Claudio Vargas - P0.0%50.0%33.3% 100.0%100.0%66.7%100.0%0.0%

Jason Grimsley33.3%75.0%59.4%50.0%100.0%89.5%62.5%75.0%6.3%
Claudio Vargas (L)20.5%67.6%41.0%77.8%95.7%90.6%43.6%52.4%3.8%
Greg Aquino0.0%66.7%46.2% 100.0%100.0%69.2%80.0%0.0%
Brandon Medders29.4%66.7%44.8%20.0%87.5%61.5%41.4%50.0%17.2%